Always Sunny in Preston

Target Audience

The site is targeted towards people coming to and from Preston Idaho. There are lots to do in the area and things to see, so information that can be found on the site is key when visting. Anyone from college kid ages to grandparents can find all enjoyment and the diverse entertainment provided at thier convient expense in one location. The site also helps visitors keep updated with contact, weather reports, activies in the community as well.

Persona 1: Michelle

image of Michelle

Michelle is a BYUI student who enjoys hikes and camping in the mountains of Preston Idaho. She works as an I.T. consultant for a small company in Idaho to help pay for school and fun activities. She loves fall weather and snow when it falls in Idaho, from leaves to leaping into snow, she enjoys it all. When it comes to keeping up to date on the weather she uses her phone a lot and plans ahead on her calendar.

Persona 2: Dalton

image of Dalton

Dalton enjoys coming up to Preston Idaho for many reasons. To get away from work, enjoy the scenary, fish, hike, camp, the people. But mostly he enjoys when his family have their reunion for all of them to come together in Idaho to enjoy some family fun. He lives just outside of Preston and so does most of his family, so it is very convient for all of them to get together. Being able to plan for such an amount of people and knowing where is a good spot and time to meet while keeping up with the weather is all very important.

Scenario 1

Michelle needs to see if it will raining or snowing this weekend in Preston, so she can plan on bringing a jacket or umbrella on her hike.

Scenario 2

Dalton and his brothers want to go fishing the afternoon they arrive. They need to check to see if there favorite fishing spot in Fish Haven is open or closed and if the weather is fair enough to fish.

Scenario 3

Michelle wants to bring a friend to hang out but wants to know if there are any activites for them to do in Soda Springs this week for the to do.

Scenario 4

Dalton is looking a for a spot for the family to take a group photo in Preston that will get them all in with good weather on a weekday.

Scenario 5

Michelle is looking at camping at Fish Haven with her family but doesn't want snow becuase her dad doesn't like the snow, so she needs to see which days are not snowing for them to plan the trip ahead of time.