Always Sunny in Preston

Always Sunny in Preston, ain't no better place

Preston Idaho

Preston mountain side

Weather Summary




79 °F

Wind Chill:

88 °F



Wind Speed:

10 mph

5 Day Forecast

Mon sunny 70 °F
Wed sunny 75 °F
Fri sunny 85 °F
Sat sunny 90 °F
Sun sunny 95 °F

Cow on road causes trailer loaded with cattle to tip over

Dozens of black cows were rounded up from an overturned semi-trailer on Thursday, Oct. 25, at approximately 9:20 p.m. According to the Franklin County Sheriff’s report, the driver of the truck, Andrew Oudshoorn, Canada, was hauling 41 cows to Hyrum, Utah, for Van Raay Paskal Trucking out of Canada. He came upon a large cow belonging to Ivan Jorgenson, which was standing in the road. Oudshoorn was unable to avoid a collision and the steering locked up, tipping the tractor and trailer over, which then slid off the side of HWY 91. Oudshoorn was assisted out of the tractor through a broken window. The Franklin County Fire Department assisted with extrication of the remainder of the cattle and assisted in pushing them into a nearby fenced area. The local brand inspector and several other people assisted in locating the runaway cattle and placing them in a local pasture until they could be inspected and reloaded onto another trailer the next day. No cows had to be put down, at that point, as a result of the accident. Dattage Towing of Logan, Utah, recovered the tractor. Damages sustained in relation to the accident included those sustained by three vehicles assisting with gathering cattle, a local property owner’s fence, and Jorgenson’s cow being struck in open range.

Cow in the field with sunset

Always Sunny in Preston

📍 57 N 67 E Waterfall ln. Preston, ID 83263
☎ (208)675-9578