Always Sunny in Preston

Always Sunny in Preston, ain't no better place

Fish Haven

Fish Haven Lake

Weather Summary

  • Currently:Sligthly cloudy
  • High:46.77 °F
  • Temp:39 °F
  • Wind Chill:
  • Humidity: 79%
  • Wind Speed:5 mph

5 Day Forecast

Mon sunny 70 °F
Wed sunny 75 °F
Fri sunny 85 °F
Sat sunny 90 °F
Sun sunny 95 °F

Fish salvage orders issued on two southeast Idaho reservoirs

Idaho Fish and Game has issued fish salvage orders for two southeastern Idaho reservoirs this month after irrigation demands have drained them to the point of no longer supporting fish. Condie Reservoir, about 6 miles north of Preston, and Winder Reservoir, about 4 miles north of Preston are expected to be empty sometime in the next few weeks. While the reservoirs often contain some water at the end of the irrigation season, the combination of low snow pack and a dry spring and summer, has both reservoirs being emptied. “The last salvage order for Winder was in 2007, and I am not aware of a salvage order on Condie since I got here in 2005,” said Jennifer Jackson, regional communications manager for Fish and Game. “It has been a really long time since those reservoirs have seen a salvage order, and this is definitely being driven by drought conditions this summer.”

Idaho Fish Salvage

Always Sunny in Preston

📍 57 N 67 E Waterfall ln. Preston, ID 83263
☎ (208)675-9578