Always Sunny in Preston

Always Sunny in Preston, ain't no better place

Soda Springs

Soda Springs view

Weather Summary

  • Currently:Sligthly cloudy
  • High:46.77 °F
  • Temp:39 °F
  • Wind Chill:
  • Humidity: 79%
  • Wind Speed:5 mph

5 Day Forecast

Mon sunny 70 °F
Wed sunny 75 °F
Fri sunny 85 °F
Sat sunny 90 °F
Sun sunny 95 °F

Four hikers injured in avalanche on Torreys Peak near Georgetown

Four hikers were injured when they were caught in an avalanche on a Colorado peak, authorities said Sunday. The Clear Creek County Sheriff’s Office said it received a report of people being swept into a rock field by an avalanche just after 9 a.m. Sunday on Torreys Peak, a popular hiking spot near Georgetown. The hikers sustained minor injuries and were able to leave the mountain on their own or were evacuated, Undersheriff Bruce Snelling said.

Mountain Hiking Trail

Always Sunny in Preston

📍 57 N 67 E Waterfall ln. Preston, ID 83263
☎ (208)675-9578