Always Sunny in Preston

Always Sunny in Preston, ain't no better place

Preston Idaho

Preston mountain side

Weather Summary

  • Currently:Sligthly cloudy
  • High:46.77 °F
  • Temp:39 °F
  • Wind Chill:
  • Humidity: 79%
  • Wind Speed:5 mph

5 Day Forecast

Mon sunny 70 °F
Wed sunny 75 °F
Fri sunny 85 °F
Sat sunny 90 °F
Sun sunny 95 °F

Six men plead guilty, are sentenced in 2018 poaching case in Franklin County

Poachers in the Preston-area case charged with various wildlife crimes, including killing and wasting gross over-limits of elk Jay Reeder, Brandon Porter, Rick and Jesse Earl and Dustin Hollingsworth of Preston, Idaho and Brian Miller of Pennsylvania all reached plea agreements in a Franklin County court for the illegal killing and possession of three mule deer and 16 elk, including several trophy class animals in the fall of 2018 near Preston, Idaho. Through an investigation conducted around that time, Fish and Game conservation officers learned that over course of several months, multiple poaching incidents took place on the “Reeder Ranch” and surrounding private property northwest of Preston, with complete disregard for season and weapon restrictions or tagging requirements. The individuals involved left most of the elk carcasses to waste and recovered only the antlers and choice cuts of meat from others.

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Always Sunny in Preston

📍 57 N 67 E Waterfall ln. Preston, ID 83263
☎ (208)675-9578